Equipping God's people for the good work he has prepared for them.



Welcome, friends!

I’m so glad you are here.

Whether you are looking for a teacher for your next ministry event, some encouragement, leadership training workshops, identity workshops, one-on-one spiritual formation coaching, or a place to go and quiet the noise in your life so you can hear the still, small voice of the Lord, you are in the right place! I am passionate about creating intentional spaces for women to encounter the deep love, delight, and transformational power of Jesus-- whether that’s through a blog post, over coffee, at a ministry event, or around a table enjoying delicious food. I pray that the offerings here would be a resource to the local church and individual disciples of Christ alike. I’d love to serve you! Come in, look around, and let me know if you have any questions.


Discover how your gifts, purposes and passions align

through group workshops, 1:1 coaching and May Farm


“I’ve been blessed with several opportunities to learn from Lyndsay through her Bible Studies, Quiet Retreats, Enneagram Workshops and the Cinderella Identity Workshop. Through all of these teachings, Lyndsay continually helps me remember who I am, who I belong to, and stretches me to let go of old lies and live in my true identity. She has a way of asking the best questions that encourage me to dig deep with the Lord. My understanding of my identity in Christ is clearer and stronger because of the things I’ve learned through Lyndsay’s teaching.”

Julie h.

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